Sunday, May 4, 2008

Epsom Salt Baths

Everyone should take epson salt baths! the reason being, is because epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. The magnesium soaks into our bodies, and is great for minor, strains, sprains and overall repearation of the tissues of the body and overall recovery! A bag can be purchased at your local drugstore or grocery store, and will only cost you maybe $5-$6 for a giant bag. Your instructions are easy too: fill up your bathtub to whatever temperature your heart desires, then sprinkle in as much epsom salts as you'd like. If you'd like to spice it up even more, put some essentials oils in too, such as: lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and any others that you may like! Please read into the Electrolytes section of the blog, to find out why magnesium is so good for you and your mind and body! Coming up next........Essential Oils and their benefits!

1 comment:

matt said...

Brandt, you're right on about epsom salts. They actually detoxify the body and calm the nervous system.

More great, natural uses for epsom salts can be found in Annie Bond's article, 13 Wonderful Ways to use Epsom Salts