Saturday, May 3, 2008

Massage: Why should you get a massage?

Massages are great for relieving stress: physical, mental, and emotional! On a physical level, the more active we are, the more passive things we need in our lives, such as massage. Our lives are so active on a daily basis, whether we exercise or not, life is simply busy! Massage works to eliminate "metabolic waste" or all of the junk and byproducts of all those muscular contractions and releases and all of the chemical reactions that take place in our bodies on a daily basis. By drinking tons of water after massages, we work to get rid of this metabolic waste that can cause problems if left over in the body.
Mentally, taking the time to allow your body and mind to be in a passive state, where you're not necessarily "in control", is a great thing. Most of us simply do not like to "let go" of what's going on in our lives to take the time for ourselves which is so important for health, vitality, and longevity.
Emotionally, massage helps us as well because it helps us to get away and detach from what's going on in our lives to just focus on ourselves. Massage also helps us to be more mindful of what's going on with our bodies, so we can take care of ourselves and not allow hot spots to lead to more debilitating injuries. Get a massage!

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