Sunday, August 17, 2008


In one of my books, "The Breath of God", Swami Chetanananda illustrates and writes as one of his journal entries that "Pain is God's Love". Nothing could be closer to the truth. Pain is a reminder that we are human beings. Without it, all of us would be perfect and would already be at our greatest potential. Think about it: many of the experiences that we learn from are painful experiences. When we think of pain, we think of primarily physical pain. Although that is one type, what about the emotional, spiritual, and mental pain that we may experience as a result of many different situations. These pains also help us to grow and become who we are, and are a sign of God's love toward us. Without these "pains" or tension in our life, we may not have learned the lessons we were supposed to, or helped a friend in need, and ultimately, would not have learned and become who we are supposed to become as part of God's ultimate plan. Doing what I do, I see a lot of each of these pains everyday. Not only do I see the physical pains, but while people are moving, sweating, and hurting physically, all of their mental, emotional and spiritual pains are expressed and dealt with. As coaches, trainers, and health wellness and fitness professionals, we also become psychologists in a way, who lend an open ear to our clients, young and old alike, when they do open up and spill a lot of these pains and tensions to us.

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