Sunday, July 27, 2008

Supplemental recommendations for any person/athlete needing to gain lean mass:

Life Essentials Multi Vitamin--for a solid foundation, to make sure you get all the basics, essentials, and phytonutrients into your diet

Juice + Fruits and Vegetables--to ensure that you are getting all of your fruits, vegetable and their nutrients, this is actually fruit packed into pill form (or gummies), tons of antioxidants, fiber

Opti Pro APS--weight gainer with whey protein and complex carbohydrates

Opti Pro M--leaner protein to be mixed with the APS with electrolytes, flax-seed meal, digestive enzymes and soy and whey protein

HMB--amino acid protein breakdown suppressor to stop your body from eating your muscle tissue for fuel, and helps to rebuild tissues that are broken down

ZMA--taken before bed, zinc and mono-methionine and magnesium help your body to get more restful sleep, where you can grow and gain lean tissue

OptiATP--creatine complex to help maximize your gains and give you more fuel for extra few reps for strength and size

L-Glutamine--most abundant free form amino acid in the body, used to rebuild tissue through neural impulses and cognition

L-Arginine--amino acid vasodilator to ensure all of the extra nutrients you are taking in will be delivered properly and used more to help you build

Pycnogenol--incredible antioxidant that has 50x more antioxidant capacity of green tea to help protect your cells which we break down a lot as athletes

Alpha Lipoic Acid--incredible antioxidant that helps the body to use any and all nutrients to the best of its ability and protects the cells

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