Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fruits and Their Antioxidant Capacities

Gac, pomegranate, and acai' are some of the most potent along with blueberries raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, dark chocolate is a beast, and 2 blocks (not the entire bar) has more antioxidants than 2 giant bowls of blueberries.....tomatoes--incredible superfruit, avocados--
WOW, tons of great fats (mono and polyunsaturated--great fuel for anyone's mind and body), oranges and apples and their families---great vitamin c of course, but also potassium, a key electrolyte that sometimes gets overlooked due to all of our salt intake from salts hidden in restaurant and processed foods. we have to live balanced. balance you electrolytes....always sodium with potassium and always calcium with magnesium. more salt means more water in your cells, more potassium, less water. calcium controls muscular contraction along with many other things and magnesium controls muscular release along with many other things.

Everyday take 10 deep breaths (at least): inhale until your lungs feel like they can fit no more air, then inhale a little more until you cant, then release the air until you almost have for that next long deep you inhale allow your belly button to rise away from your spine, and as you exhale, pull your belly button towards your spine and up. this will help to cleanse and detoxify your body, supply your body with more oxygen making you feel incredible with tons of benefits, it will decrease your heart rate and blood pressure..make sure you sit with great posture, your spine straight and long, this will also help to stimulate cerebrospinal fluid, which lubricates our spine and the spaces between our brain

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