Monday, September 15, 2008

Variation and Balance

These are two key components of the BQAD training system and programs. We use this variation and balance throughout all of the individual components to health and fitness that we use (ie. Strength, speed, flexibility, and nutrition), and also integrate all of these individual components to achieve overall balance in our lives. For example, when devising a strength regimen, we must make sure that the entire body is balanced by working all of the different muscle groups equally (we can also balance the body even further by working through specific "planes of motion" as well). The same can be done in a speed setting by working the 3 specific systems of the body (aerobic—type I muscle fibers—slow twitch, anaerobic alactic—type IIa muscle fibers—hybrid fibers mixed between fast and slow twitch, anaerobic glycolytic—type IIx muscle fibers—fast twitch). Also, the body can be balanced in the flexibility component, by lengthening as well as strengthening all areas of the body equally. Nutrition needs to be well balanced through good proteins (lean), fats (mono- and polyunsaturated), and carbohydrates (good simple and complex). There also needs to be a balance in the core of the body as well by working not only the abdominals, but also the transverse abdominus, internal and external obliques, spinal erectors, quadratus lumborum, psoas minor, and all of the muscles of the pelvis (hips). By balancing all of these individual things, one can then integrate all of these things to balance the body as a whole.

Variation in training is one of the keys to achieving this balance. People often do the same thing over and over and over again in their fitness regimens. This repetition creates sticking points, or plateaus where these people see their strength or cardiovascular conditioning stick in the same spot, or even decrease due to the same demand placed on the musculature involved constantly. This happens because our muscles have memory, and eventually end up knowing the exact demand that will be placed upon it on a daily or weekly basis. When this happens, people gain those few pounds back, or decrease in strength due to the fact that the same demand is placed upon the muscles, or muscular systems involved. Remember, the body will adapt to any demand placed upon it. Demand a lot of different things out of your body, not just one or two.

These to things are vital to the BQAD program(s) and go hand in hand with one another. Variation and balance are included daily and hourly for everything that we do, stand for, and provide to our clients, both young and older alike.

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